Monday, 12 December 2011
In order to create our female protagonists rant on what she hates about men, we asked some close friends on their personal opinions and dislikes. Therefore, making it more relateable to a wider audience. These pet-hates are going to be quite petty, which creates humour, such as: eating with wide elbows, and leaving finished ice cream tubs in the freezer! Giving a negative approach on her views on men, and inspired with by a an 'Amelie' scene.
Monday, 5 December 2011
Are Rom-Coms just easy viewing?
Rom-com's can be claimed 'guilty pleasures' due to their satisfying, uncomplicated pleasures. Although, I think the attraction to them is due to a self-assuring feel of realism, for example Bridget Jone's diary is a film some women could find appealing due to relating to Renee Zellweger as the unfortunate protagonist.
The female protagonist Cher in Clueless uses narration to help an audience form an understanding. As does:
Carrie in Sex and the City
Caty in Mean Girls
An audience member should see the protagonist's personal growth and form a bond which helps in empathising with the character through their ups and downs.
In our opening I'd like to create this relationship between the character and viewer, as I see this as a typical 'Relationship-comedy' convention and also engaging.
The female protagonist Cher in Clueless uses narration to help an audience form an understanding. As does:
Carrie in Sex and the City
Caty in Mean Girls
Monday, 28 November 2011
A change to the 'typical' conventions
Self-consciousness and anxiety often in characters. Guilt, sexual jealousy and paranoiaoften regarded as promising ingredients in rom-coms. Alfred Hitchcock's version of The 39 Steps may seem like a rip-roaring thriller but it's as close as 1930s British cinema came to the anarchic zest of the Hollywood screwball rom-coms appearing at the same time.
(500) Days Of Summer director Marc Webb has complained about "formulaic"romantic comedies that are trying to "sell a bill of goods."
(500) Days Of Summer isn't cynical and contrived in that way and the protagonists appear very different. Although it can't escape its own wholesome cheeriness.
(500) Days at least attempts to avoid the gooey sentimentality that often makes modern-day forays into the genre so hard to digest, a love story with layers of irony. Would-be architect Tom Hansen (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a romantic, writes syrupy greetings cards. Summer (Zooey Deschanel) is the woman he idolises. He sees her as the woman of his dreams. After all, they both like The Smiths. However, his puppy-dog devotion isn't quite reciprocated.
Jess and I would certainly like to involve some of the quirky lighting and dialogue in to our piece. The characters are also interesting as they are different from others, harder to get to know.
(500) Days Of Summer director Marc Webb has complained about "formulaic"romantic comedies that are trying to "sell a bill of goods."
(500) Days Of Summer isn't cynical and contrived in that way and the protagonists appear very different. Although it can't escape its own wholesome cheeriness.
(500) Days at least attempts to avoid the gooey sentimentality that often makes modern-day forays into the genre so hard to digest, a love story with layers of irony. Would-be architect Tom Hansen (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a romantic, writes syrupy greetings cards. Summer (Zooey Deschanel) is the woman he idolises. He sees her as the woman of his dreams. After all, they both like The Smiths. However, his puppy-dog devotion isn't quite reciprocated.
Jess and I would certainly like to involve some of the quirky lighting and dialogue in to our piece. The characters are also interesting as they are different from others, harder to get to know.
Saturday, 26 November 2011
I quite like the idea of a simple, fresh faced female protagonist and a stranger looking boy, that isn't the traditional 'heart-throb' or vice versa. Two completely contrasting characters, an unimaginable pair-that works!
Cassie and Sid from Skins
Joel and Clementine from Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
Cassie and Sid from Skins
Joel and Clementine from Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
Unsuitable partners illustrate perhaps a deserved change/break-up for later on in the film. Also helping in setting a miserable and unachieveing tone for the 'stuck' protagonist.
Similar Conventions in less-known 'quirky' trailers
Protagonist: downbeat
low confidence
significant facial expressions
significant facial expressions
room for improvement
unique- in sense of certain dislikes and habits
warm/wrapped up clothing- enclosed personality
basic looking-but pretty
bad past experiences
bad past experiences
Gentle music and dull background-suits the character and narrative
Lars and the Real Girl Trailer
Garden State Trailer
Garden State Trailer
Monday, 21 November 2011
Iris- The Holiday Monologue
The Holiday
written by Nancy Meyers
I think this monologue captures the loneliness and despair so many women can relate to when not in a relationship and 'in love' with someone else.
written by Nancy Meyers
Iris: I've found almost everything ever written about love to be true. Shakespeare said "Journeys end in lovers meeting." What an extraordinary thought. Personally, I have not experienced anything remotely close to that, but I am more than willing to believe Shakespeare had. I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should. I am constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives. It was Shakespeare who also said "love is blind". Now that is something I know to be true. For some quite inexplicably, love fades; for others love is simply lost. But then of course love can also be found, even if just for the night. And then, there's another kind of love: the cruelest kind. The one that almost kills its victims. It's called unrequited love. Of that I am an expert. Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other. But what about the rest of us? What about our stories, those of us who fall in love alone? We are the victims of the one sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones. We are the unloved ones, the walking wounded. The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space! Yes, you are looking at one such individual. And I have willingly loved that man for over three miserable years! The absolute worst years of my life! The worst Christmas', the worst Birthday's, New Years Eve's brought in by tears and valium. These years that I have been in love have been the darkest days of my life. All because I've been cursed by being in love with a man who does not and will not love me back. Oh god, just the sight of him! Heart pounding! Throat thickening! Absolutely can't swallow! All the usual symptoms. I understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible. And how it can actually ache in places you didn't know you had inside you. And it doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get, or gyms you join, or how many glasses of chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends... you still go to bed every night going over every detail and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. And how in the hell for that brief moment you could think that you were that happy. And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door. And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new. And you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again. And little pieces of your soul will finally come back. And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will eventually begin to fade.
I think this monologue captures the loneliness and despair so many women can relate to when not in a relationship and 'in love' with someone else.
Film opening brief:
- A ‘relationship’ comedy/drama made by an independent production company, aimed at young adults.
- "In a typical romantic comedy the two lovers tend to be young, likeable, and apparently meant for each other, yet they are kept apart by some complicating circumstance (e.g., class differences, parental interference; a previous girlfriend or boyfriend) until, surmounting all obstacles, they are finally wed. A wedding-bells, fairy-tale-style happy ending is practically mandatory."
- Although, our brief of a 'relationship comedy/drama' would differ from the usual excessively romantic a-lister crammed Hollywood blockbuster. With a much quirkier and realistic feel. Yet the two protagonists will be introduced, and may show a complicating circumstance simliar of a typical 'rom/com'. The Holiday opening captures the sickly sweet romance of a loved-up couple in a comic contrast with the harsh reality of being lonely, and in love with someone who doesn't know you exist:
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Shot List:
1.) Extreme Long Establishing 2.) Low Angle C.U- Rhino 3.) Low Angle C.U- Gazelle 4.) Low Angle M.S- Meerkats 5.) Low Angle M.S- Cheetah 6.) L.S- Birds 7.) Tracking- Flying Birds 8.) High Angle- Birds Over Waterfall 9.) L.S- Elephants 10.) High Angle Slow Tracking- Birds 11.) L.S- Gazelle 12.) Low Angle Tracking- Giraffe 13.) Level Tracking- Giraffe Up Hill 14.) Pan to L.S- The Heard 15.) High Angle C.U- Ants 16.) Low Angle- Birds 17.) Tracking M.S- Zebra 18.) Tracking M.S- Birds On Tusk 19.) Tilted Birds Eye Tracking 20.) High Angle Tracking Zoom- Pride Rock 21.) Zoom to C.U- Mufasa 22.) High Angle M.S- Zazu 23.) Low Angle Zoom- Mufasa 24.) M.S- Antelope 25.) Low Pan 26.) C.U- Mufasa 27.) Low Tracking- Rafiki 28.) M.S Zoom To Full Length- Mufasa & Rafiki 29.) M.S- Family 30.) C.U Zoom- Simba 31.) Low Angle C.U Zoom- Rafiki 32.) High Angle M.S- Simba 33.) Low Angle C.U- Fruit 34.) Tilt Downwards To C.U- Rafiki 35.) High Angle C.U- Simba 36.) C.U- Dirt 37.) High Angle C.U- Simba 38.) C.U- 2 Lions 39.) High Angle C.U- Simba 40.) M.S- Rafiki 41.) Low Angle L.S- Pride Rock 42.) Slow Zoom To Birds Eye View 43.) Low Angle Zoom Continued 44.) High Angle C.U- Simba Lifted 45.) Low Angle L.S- Simba In Air 46.) Low Angle M.S- Elephants 47.) Low Angle L.S- Rafiki 48.) M.S- Monkey 49.) Low Angle L.S- Rafiki & Simba 50.) C.U Of Feet & Tilt- Zebra 51.) High Angle M.S Pan- Simba's Back 52.) Low Angle L.S Pan- Around Simba 53.) Low Angle- Sky 54.) L.S- Raising Simba 55.) M.S Tracking- Animals 56.) Zoom Out Into Extreme L.S- All Animals & Pride Rock
How Are Character Types Established?
Characters can be defined through their positioning in this scene, status plays a huge part in the whole film, and with the characters being on their different levels this can be conveyed. For Example: King Mufasa is of the highest status, therefore stood above Pride Rock. The M.S of the small animals sat on the elephants tusk also represents the close relationships and equality they are surrounded by.
How Is Location Established?
The establishing shot of the sun rising revealing a huge open space with just a tree; initially portrays a heavily spatial, non-restricted environment. With the fiery tones and entry of the safari suited animals, it is soon obvious to be a huge savannah, with a strong African inspired feel.
How Is The Narrative Constructed?
There is a feel of anticipation when viewing the different types of animals all on a journey together at the start, from this, the audience become aware that something about to happen is going to involve the huge variety of animals. When Simba is raised, followed by the uproar this creates, there is a celebration. It is clear he is going to make an impact on the feature, and by the status of his family it can become predictable that he will have, if not already, excessive power.
How Does Opening Reflect Genre Of Film?
The Animation is noticeable straight away, with the dramatic music and upbeat feel from all of the individual animals shown, a family feel-good feature is created. The expressions and creativity used in the making of the characters makes it apparent that this is aimed at children, and with the inspiring and theatrical feel, it could be a drama with an encouraging moral to tell.
Is opening appropriate for a film of this genre?
It has a huge impact with the different colours, angles, pace and characters used. This would definitely grip any child, and any member of the family, with a climax that creates excitement and drama prematurely. The realism of the gestures given from the animals is great to see from an animation feature, definitely suiting the children/drama genre.
How Have Titles Been Used?
The title is presented at the end of the opening, followed by the build up of the music and is displayed with the last hard hitting beat. The fiery red font suits the environment it is set in, and is very broad and powerful. Although, the red paired with the black background can create a contrasting sinister feel, which could be an indicator for the trials faced later in the feature.
In Your View Is This An Effective Opening?
Being 4 minutes long and building anticipation with every second, united with the powerful and undeniably incredible music, this opening sets such a standard for the story. Almost every character is introduced, along with the theme of 'the circle of life' being enhanced by the strong lyrics early on. The atmosphere and setting can only make you feel optimistic and energized.
Friday, 21 October 2011
Post-Production of 'Preliminary Task'
After the filming was done, it was time to move on to the editing process.We each did our own version using the same footage. This was my first time using Adobe Premiere Pro, and was all quite alien, so it took me a while to become familiar with the tools. This process took about 3 weeks to complete everything. In my opinion, it is quite obvious that it is my first media piece, due to the transitions sometimes not being as smooth as anticipated. I was in quite a rush finding music, and had left that last minute, next time i know to leave myself a bit more time if the music is going to play a vital part in the overall impression given.
Finding the suitable Brightness and Contrast was at times difficult, as the plot is based on a mysterious start, followed by a humerous and cheesy second half. I particularly like our shot of the cake, and the effect the candles have in contrast to the background.
Finding the suitable Brightness and Contrast was at times difficult, as the plot is based on a mysterious start, followed by a humerous and cheesy second half. I particularly like our shot of the cake, and the effect the candles have in contrast to the background.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
When it came to the day of filming, I was happy with how the group came together and used our initiative quickly, in order to make sure we got everything done. It helped that Joe had had experience using the camera's, which got us off to a good start, and we soon picked up the logic behind it all.
We all took it in turn to film different parts, depending on who wasn't already needed to be filmed in the shot. I think this worked well, as we all got a chance, and avoided the pressure of one person being responsible for the piece.
When it came down to filming, some of our story-boarded shots couldn't be done, as we had to make minor changes due to the room we had, and lack of actors. Although, our storyboard was still essential when filming, as we followed which shots had been done, and which ones needed re-shooting for the best quality version.
Through the process of editing, I have realised that perhaps we could have filmed some shots for a longer time, and the build up to them more, this then enables us with more material to edit with, and aids with smoother cuts overall. I will keep this in mind for our next filming project, but I am still happy with what we got, and just hope my final edit does it justice!?
We all took it in turn to film different parts, depending on who wasn't already needed to be filmed in the shot. I think this worked well, as we all got a chance, and avoided the pressure of one person being responsible for the piece.
When it came down to filming, some of our story-boarded shots couldn't be done, as we had to make minor changes due to the room we had, and lack of actors. Although, our storyboard was still essential when filming, as we followed which shots had been done, and which ones needed re-shooting for the best quality version.
Through the process of editing, I have realised that perhaps we could have filmed some shots for a longer time, and the build up to them more, this then enables us with more material to edit with, and aids with smoother cuts overall. I will keep this in mind for our next filming project, but I am still happy with what we got, and just hope my final edit does it justice!?
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Preliminary Task- Surprise Party
In my group for the Preliminary Task is; Myself, Jess Y, Katie and Joe. We are all hoping to contribute in the filming process and acting within the piece, as we need a lot of people to take part in order for our idea to shine!
Our idea, was to show a tense build up of a person receiving a text from an unknown number, with a room to meet them in and a time. When arriving at the door, suspense builds as it opens. When inside, is an empty, silent room with just a table and a chair with a lit birthday cake on. After staring at the cake, the guests finally jump from behind curtains, and cupboards in order to throw a surprise party, not realising they've made a huge error...
Our idea, was to show a tense build up of a person receiving a text from an unknown number, with a room to meet them in and a time. When arriving at the door, suspense builds as it opens. When inside, is an empty, silent room with just a table and a chair with a lit birthday cake on. After staring at the cake, the guests finally jump from behind curtains, and cupboards in order to throw a surprise party, not realising they've made a huge error...
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
127 Hours
Medium shot of actor cycling through the desert on the right hand side, this shows his excitement, yet by the desert being rotated slightly to the left, gives the impression that the desert is misleading and twisted, as we find out through his horrendous journey.
Low angle shot makes the audience feel less involved, yet with the sparse surroundings of just the blue sky, can make the audience relate to his vulnerability, and significance by being the main, if not only character throughout the film.
An over the shoulder shot is used to once again focus on the main actor, and show that he is in a conversation and has made friends within his surrounding, his expression shows his happiness towards this.
Medium shot in order to show him coming up for air, and to show the black background creating a lonely and dark surrounding, impacting the story narrative as a hint for later in the film.
Loose framing to show the three characters enjoying their freedom, and the clear blue water looking inviting.
The 3-shot gives the impression of a relationship forming due to the close proxemics, and the lack of other people around.
Extreme Close-up shows the detail and emotions all from his eyes, as the eyes are the main feature of the face that the audience are always attracted to.
2-Shot shows the close relationship, and conveys a positive feel with the warm and awe-inspiring background.
2-shot close up of the two looking into the distance showing their contentment and awe, with the background complimenting the detailed expression and eyeline.
Friday, 9 September 2011
This is my blog!
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I love music, and my favourite bands and artists are always changing! At the moment I'm really fond of PULP, after seeing them at Reading Festival I fell in love with the front man Jarvis Cocker.
When I get the chance to watch TV i love watching Celebrity's comedy genius and i love all of the hosts! I'm also rather guilty of being a fan of the 'reality' series Made In Chelsea, which I also find hilarious.
I'm a typical girl when it comes to my favourite films, good old rom com's and chick flicks are my cup of tea. But my 2 favourites have to be The Notebook due to the actors, storyline and era that it's set in! And my childhood favourite of The Lion King!
So there you have it!
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